Diversity, Equity, Inclusion,
and Belonging Learning Series
Whether or not your company is interested in talking about diversity issues, most candidates are nevertheless evaluating diversity when they research your company and during the interview process. Our diversity and inclusion training provides your teams with the knowledge to create cohesive, positive work environments. Unlock potential through greater understanding of how their actions may affect those around them.
These five classes can be taken as a series or individually.
1. Understanding & Reducing Unconscious (Implicit) Bias
Everyone has unconscious biases, at least partially influenced by our background and personal experiences or societal stereotypes. Not understanding them can damage relationships with peers and team members, destroy workplace culture, and negatively impact customer relationships. Understanding and awareness are the keys.
Learning Objectives
Understand the two types of bias
Identify the impact of unconscious bias in the workplace
Learn how unconscious biases are formed
Recognize where you have unconscious bias and how to reduce it
2. Creating a Culture of Belonging
Creating and sustaining a culture that supports belonging requires a shift, which begins with self-awareness. The challenge is that long-standing cultures don’t shift with strategies alone. To be successful they must be supported with learning that helps break through individual and organization barriers. This interactive session is designed to help you understand how to break through barriers and implement actions and behaviors that create a culture of true belonging.
Learning Objectives
Assess the current culture in your organization
Identify limiting barriers that exist among leaders and teams
Practices techniques for breaking limiting barriers
Learn tips for creating a culture of belonging
3. Identifying & Overcoming Diversity Fatigue
Based on the societal challenges we face, many organizations pledged commitments to support diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB), and launched multiple initiatives. We are now beginning to hear about ‘diversity fatigue’- again. This workshop will assess whether your organization is feeling it, and steps to sustain momentum on DEIB initiatives that ensure a culture for all employees can contribute to this important work.
Learning Objectives
Understand the meaning and history of diversity fatigue
Determine where diversity fatigue may exist in your organization
4. Building Inclusive Cultures with Mentoring & Coaching
Two of the most critical components of a robust leadership development program are mentoring and coaching. Why? Because together they build leadership competencies that increase capacity for inclusive leadership, and a culture that supports organization sustainability.
Learning Objectives
Understand the difference between mentoring and coaching
Learn what defines success as an inclusive culture
Identify areas where mentoring and coaching could build inclusive leaders
Use real-world scenarios to practice mentoring and coaching techniques
5. Inspiring Teams with Story Power
Think about leaders who inspired you personally, and you probably recall conversations that included unforgettable stories that provided you with critical insight to solve problems, inspired you to act, or commit to an important vision. You couldn’t wait to talk to them again.
This session will help you understand how enhancing team development goes beyond online articles, books and even a training plan. Powerful stories can inspire transformation in individual and organization performance.
Learning Objectives
Understand story power for leadership development
Learn the components of effective storytelling
3 steps for harnessing your leader story power