Leadership Essentials

Moser Learning’s six Leadership Essentials training courses: Communication, Delegation, Time Management, Decision Making, Facilitation Effective Meetings, and Handling Conflict, are essential tools that can help individuals become successful leaders in any environment. By mastering these key skills, individuals can effectively lead and manage a team, facilitate collaboration, and effectively handle challenging situations.

Our Leadership Essentials training offers a bundled program of six courses:

Learning Essentials Training offers a course in Communication.

Course #1


Communication is not only a crucial leadership skill, but it is also the backbone of any successful organization. Leaders who master the art of effective communication are the ones who gain the trust and loyalty of their team members. Effective communication is not just about talking, listening is equally important. Leaders who actively listen to their team members become more approachable and receive valuable feedback that helps them make informed decisions. Communication doesn't just happen verbally either—the tone in which we speak, and the non-verbal messages we send, are just as important. Being mindful of body language, posture, and facial expressions create an atmosphere of trust and openness that enables leaders to build stronger relationships with their team members. Communication skills also enable leaders to convey their vision effectively, clarify expectations, and motivate their teams to work towards a common goal. In short, mastering the skill of communication is an essential aspect of leadership that is fundamental to building strong, cohesive, and successful teams.

Learning Essentials Training offers a course in Delagation.

Course #2


Delegation involves entrusting responsibility and authority to others, allowing them to take ownership and accountability for specific tasks and projects. Effective delegation provides the opportunity to develop and empower team members, fosters collaboration and innovation, improves organizational efficiency, and helps to distribute workload equitably. Leaders who delegate effectively can focus on high-level strategic thinking and decision-making, which are essential for driving growth and success. Furthermore, delegation can contribute to job satisfaction and employee engagement by providing opportunities for personal and professional growth. It takes practice, observation, and communication to delegate effectively, but the benefits are immeasurable. By relinquishing control and trusting others to complete tasks, leaders can create a more inclusive and agile work culture that can adapt and thrive in the face of change. So, as a leader, make delegation a priority and watch as your team flourishes under your guidance!

Learning Essentials Training offers a course in Time Management..

Course #3

Time Management

Effective leadership is not just about having a vision and inspiring your team to follow it, but it is also about managing your time effectively. Time management is a vital leadership skill that is essential for achieving success in any industry. Leaders need to be able to prioritize their tasks, delegate responsibilities, and make the most of their limited time. Effective time management helps leaders to become better decision-makers, improve their productivity, and ensure that their team is working efficiently towards their goals. Time management allows leaders to avoid burnout and achieve a healthy work-life balance, which helps them to develop a clear and focused perspective. By managing their time effectively, leaders can demonstrate their commitment to their team members and create a positive culture of productivity and achievement. Therefore, it is crucial for all leaders to develop and practice time management skills as a vital aspect of their leadership toolkit.

Learning Essentials Training offers a course in Decision Making..

Course #4

Decision Making

Effective decision making ensures that your team or organization is moving forward, achieving goals and objectives, and staying competitive in a fast-paced business environment. A leader who can make informed and well-thought-out decisions can inspire confidence within the team. Decision making requires careful analysis of the situation, evaluation of all possible options, and consideration of the risks involved. It demands a keen sense of judgment, an ability to predict and anticipate future outcomes, and a willingness to take calculated risks. Successful decision makers also possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills, which are essential for conveying the rationale for their decisions and gaining buy-in from stakeholders. In summary, decision making is a vital leadership skill that separates good leaders from great ones. The ability to make decisions with confidence and efficacy can inspire a team to achieve its greatest potential, and help an organization to achieve long-term success.

Learning Essentials Training offers a course in Facilitating Effective Meetings..

Course #5

Facilitating Effective Meetings

The ability to conduct meetings that are productive, engaging, and focused requires a comprehensive understanding of the participants' dynamics, their respective roles, and how to achieve desired outcomes. Mastering this skill provides several benefits, including improved communication, higher levels of engagement, and increased productivity. For leaders, that means they can more effectively guide their teams towards shared goals, resolve complex issues and provide direction and inspiration that leads to better decision-making, collaboration, and innovation. With well-crafted meetings, leaders create a space for employees to learn, exchange ideas, and develop new skills, which boost the organization's overall performance. In conclusion, facilitation of effective meetings is an essential leadership skill that drives successful outcomes and fosters an environment where teams can thrive.

Learning Essentials Training offers a course in Handling Conflict..

Course #6

Handling Conflict

Conflict is inevitable in any workplace, and handling it effectively is a vital leadership skill for all leaders. Leaders who possess the ability to manage conflict in a constructive way can create a workplace culture of respect, collaboration, and innovation. When conflicts arise, effective leaders show empathy and active listening skills to understand each perspective and negotiate a mutually-beneficial solution for all parties. They also promote open communication and encourage their team members to express their opinions and concerns. Conflict management helps build trust and stronger relationships between team members, leading to a more collaborative and resilient workforce. Additionally, leaders who handle conflict well are more likely to retain talented employees who feel valued and heard. In conclusion, handling conflict is an essential leadership skill that not only resolves issues but also enhances team dynamics and promotes growth. Leaders who master this skill are able to create a positive impact on their teams, organization and themselves.

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