Send me more information on how the Unintentional Bias Workshop will help my team grow through innovation and collaboration.

Send me more information on how the Unintentional Bias Workshop will help my team grow through innovation and collaboration.

Unintentional Bias Workshop

Unintentional bias exists inside each person, affecting our behaviors, relationships, performance, and engagement. Interrupting the patterns is a skill that everyone can learn.

A Hands-on, Skill-building, Practical Team Learning Experience

This 90-minute workshop will move employees from passive blindness to conscious awareness and action. Participants will learn, through interactive experiences, how bias can affect relationships and businesses. Each learner will train themselves to disrupt their default thinking by identifying the truth behind their decisions and systems. As each learner builds awareness, they will develop new skills to mitigate bias in self and those they lead. As the learner becomes more AWARE, he or she will learn to MITIGATE and COMMIT to action. 

What Are Unintentional Biases?

Unintentional biases are social stereotypes about certain groups of people that individuals form outside their conscious awareness. Unintentional bias happens outside of our control. It occurs automatically and is triggered by our brain making a quick judgment.

How to avoid unintentional biases: aware, mitigate, commit

Workshop Details

The Unintentional Bias Workshop is a private workshop for teams up to 15 people for $3,500 plus travel. 

Prior to the class start, there is pre-work to be completed.

Let's Start Conversations About:

Diversity/Otherness is human qualities that are different from our own and outside the groups to which we belong, yet present in other individuals and groups.

Inclusion is a practice of ensuring that through their work in organizations, people feel they belong, are engaged, valued, and connected to the goals and objectives of the organization.  

Let's start conversations about diversity and inclusion